Friday, November 30, 2007

Failure- what doesn't kill you only makes you stonger

It was fifth grade. It was a spelling test. I failed miserably.
As our teacher posted our grades on the wall, everyone who had a class in the room just had to tell me my grade. It happened to be a 42 in case anyone was wondering. It was almost entirely on words like beautiful or plentiful and I had a double L at the end of everyword. Got all the hard bonus words right, but didn't pass the test. This had been, up until I confronted the letters A and P, my worst and only test failure. I am proud to announce that since the advent of second quarter I have failed three tests, in three seperate classes. Now of course that had just a tad of flase bravado, but I honestly am glad to have failed. It is sort of freeing. No more pressure to preform well, no more record or reputaion to up hold. Just learning anfd knowedge pure and simple. Well, never simple, not physics. Not to mention I acctually started hardcore studying for the first time in my life(slight exageration). I only wish this pivitol point in my education had come before junior year...

(btw hell is not spelled h-e-double hockey sticks, but a-p-double physics)


Mary said...

HA HA HA a-p-double physics. Awesome. POST AGAIN!!

Elizabeth said...

A fifth grade teacher who posted spelling grades on the wall?
That's harsh.

I never liked having my grades known, even if they were good. Someone always has to make a comment that sounds like mockery.

And I know what you mean about the pressure to perform and a record to uphold. ("What are YOU worried about? You always do well.")

Keep On Keepin' On.

Lauren said...

It IS freeing. To fail. Feels good, sort of. Until you tell your mom. Or my mom. Nevermind.

I still haven't thought of a way to say "buy offline" or online or whatever. Help me!!